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Be Good to Yourself

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There are too many good things to say about Kristoff Krane as a human being, but at least as a rapper I can say this: he has grabbed the torch from some of hip-hop’s most prominent independent acts (can’t tell if that’s an oxymoron but going to let it slide) and taken it to a new level of sincere. One of his biggest messages to listeners is to take care of their bodies, and that will help make everything else feel more positive.

When I saw Kristoff Krane live earlier this summer, he was releasing this free album called fanfaronade, which you can still get online for free.

When he performed the ninth track, “Got High,” he prefaced the unveiling of the song by announcing that, “this one goes out to all of the drug dealers in the world…. and this is what I have to say to you… Fuck you!”

Don’t do drugs. Do listen to “Got High,” and if you are feeling good about yourself after that, download this free album. You should feel good about the decisions you make, and how you choose to treat yourself.


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